Donald Trump: Time Magazine Person of the Year

I haven’t written anything yet on our president elect since the election mainly because I’m still holding onto some sort of pipedream hope the Electoral College electors will heroically come to the rescue and do something like maybe make William Weld, Lindsey Graham, or John Kasich our 45th president in the name of human decency.

It’s been an interesting transition. White supremacist Steven Bannon is on the White House staff. Michael Flynn was made Trump’s national security advisor despite being forced to retire from the military in 2014.. Alleged southern racist Jeff Sessions has been nominated to be attorney general. Rick Perry of Texas has been nominated to head the Dept of Energy though he’s on record saying the department should be abolished. Oklahoma’s own Scott Pruitt who’s shown no ability whatsoever to keep Oklahoma from becoming the earthquake fracking capitol of the world has been pegged to head EPA. Bulldog General Mattis will head the Dept of Defense and in all candor he’s actually the only one I would confirm. Exxon’s CEO Rex Tillerson has been selected to head the state department despite ties to Putin… see Lee Marvin character in Gorky Park scene below as to Tillerson’s style of diplomacy. Former Dick Cheney neocon crazy John Bolton is the preference to be deputy of state under Rex T. The person from Carl’s Hamburgers who made those fast food erotica commercials will head the Dept of Labor. Two former Goldman Sach executives will head U.S. Treasury and the Dept Commerce. Pretty much still looks like a swamp all things considered, just lighter in shade.

Adding to this Donald Trump still hasn’t shown his tax return. Still hasn’t divested his business holdings. Has shared with the country he doesn’t feel he needs the daily national security briefings because he went to Wharton, watches Daily Joe, and is a smart guy, you know. Even more, Trump has openly lied about his knowledge of Russian hacking and he recently disparaged his soon to be own CIA which at some point he might need in the event he ever takes part in one of ‘his’ own daily intelligence briefings with someone other than Bannon or Flynn. Surprisingly, Billy Bush has yet to be nominated for a cabinet post nor has Sarah Palin been named ambassador to Russia even though she can see Putin from her front yard.

The Time Man of the Year piece is excellent and mostly explains the perspective from Democrats in the rustbelt who ended up voting for Trump.

I have my own theory. This first video is pretty much it in a nutshell.

Keep praying for our country.


My favorite scene from Gorky Park. Maybe it’s time to start thinking like a Russian.

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