Trump Panders Core Supporters in Inaugural Speech

As I sit here typing this, I actually have a few tears in my eyes. My son turns twenty-nine today and after listening to Donald Trump’s vision of America moving forward I’m not sure what advice I’d give parents of a young child other than to just say love your child unconditionally and do the best you can. Again, I’m not a liberal or a conservative, but more of just a survivor. So there’s nothing political about this.

As I listened to Donald Trump’s nationalistic white trash bullshit yesterday, I actually felt sorry for both him and the people who voted this dumbshit into office. I thought back to the beginning of his candidacy… the stupid ball caps, the Make America Great Again slogan, and his complete and utterly libelous pandering in evoking the name of Ronald Reagan. If Ronald Reagan heard the Trump Doctrine as described yesterday, then I’m certain he turned in his grave along with FDR, Winston Churchill, Dwight Eisenhower, and General George Marshall.

Jimmy Carter, Bush 41, Bill Clinton, Bush 43, and Barack Obama all had to be cringing as well as Donald Trump attempted to share his vision of America moving forward. I’m almost certain somewhere in a Washington D.C bar–John McCain and Lindsey Graham are both in a state of utter drunkedness to the point of near death after listening to the 45th president’s address to the world. It was that bad whether you love FDR or Ronald Reagan. It was the possible death knell of the doctrine of American exceptionalism and a complete and utter insult to the legacies of previous courageous Americans who sacrificed everything so as a guy like me can even be blogging this in the middle of the night. American exceptionalism just took a complete and literal backseat to Caligula Lite’s Doctrine of Self. I know, I know—ninety percent of the people who voted for Trump don’t even know who Caligula was, but I do it for me. I do it for me.

What Trump ascribes to is American isolationism and the cease and desist of free trade. A clue to Donald Trump and his supporters, please google Herbert Hoover’s presidential wiki profile, it might help you to understand the world when FDR entered office and what we are eighty something years later. Do it now, I’ll wait and then continue.

Okay, we tried isolationism and protective trade measures in a time where people in America weren’t connected to people in Europe, Russia, India, China, and the Middle East by way of the internet. It didn’t work then and in a world wide information sharing age it would be the absolute worst thing to do now. More to the point, it worsened the Great Depression and America’s almost too late intervention into World War II. Just so we’re clear…America stopping Adolf Hitler was a good thing. The Marshall Plan was a good thing. The formation of NATO was a good thing. Winning the Cold War was a good thing. The Berlin Wall coming down was good thing. Just so Donald Trump and his supporters understand, fucking freedom is a good thing. Because without freedom and economic opportunity America is absolutely nothing. It’s why people all over the friggin’ globe aspire to the American Dream. Jesus fucking Christ what part of this do Donald Trump supporters not actually ‘get’?

Who were the big winners yesterday? I’d start with Vladamir Putin and Xi-Jinping (I’ll pause for Trump supports to google Xi-Jiping). Got it? Wait,still waiting for Gary Johnson, okay now he knows. Because what Donald Trump said yesterday was that America’s billionaires can’t be bothered with things like Russian and Chinese expansion. Really– who needs China to service our debt? Who needs NATO to keep Putin from taking the Baltics? Who needs alliances with Canada and Mexico when you’ve got Montana, Oklahoma, and Alabama? Who needs any of this when there’s money to be made by being the first multi-international privately held corporation to hold the U.S. presidency? And the reason Trump and his billionaire cabinet won’t have time to worry about China and Russia is because they’ll be too busy looting what’s left of the U.S Treasury.

In closing, I don’t really know what to write other than goodbye to the Era of American Exceptionalism and hello to the Trump Era of Self. And to you Trump supporters a word of advice, turn off Fox, read some books , and at least understand how you just got your asses snookered.

Just in case you didn’t google the Herbert Hoover profile.

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