Rep. Adam Schiff’s Opening Statement on Russiagate Hearing

Schiff is a former federal prosecutor and led the Dems presentation in the Comey/Russiagate hearing on Monday. Pretty interesting set of statements along with a logical chronological timeline for what may have happened with Trump, Manafort, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Jefferson Sessions, and Carter Page… in their dealings with the Russians. If this can be proven some people will be going to federal prison. This could make Watergate seem tame in comparison, but we have to see if all this can be proven and if James Comey and the FBI can roll one of these guys to testify for immunity.

I thought Schiff did an effective job with his opening statement on Russiagate with the hows, the whens, and the wheres in a logical/believable story. This is going to be a long process for sure.
Given all the ‘Lock Her Up’ chants Trump and Flynn conducted during the campaign this could have an ending with a ton of karma attached.

Here’s Trump just a week ago still encouraging some of his idiot followers to get amped with the ‘Lock Her Up’ chant. Trump’s lawyer, and we can be sure it won’t be Jeff Sessions, better start conveying to Mr. Trump to maybe keep his mouth shut and start acting like someone who might be indicted on criminal charges at some point. Just a suggestion.

Keith Olberman…this might be the time for some Olberman ranting on my blog.

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