The Championship Won in the Hamptons

Another easy double digit win for the Warriors in Game 2 inside Oracle. I was even able to watch most of Anthony Bourdain’s new episode from Anarctica. Beautiful episode by the way.

Cleveland may or may not win a game, we’ll see. But the math is overwhelmingly against the Cavs and this is why. When you add Durant to the Warriors nucleus mix–Curry, Durant, Thompson, and Green pretty much will give their team somewhere around a combined 84 points a game. This means if the rest of the Warriors roster can score say a combined 38 points then the West Coast Nike All Stars are going to be sitting around 122 points.

Tough to beat 122 points because the Warriors are actually a pretty decent defensive team.

This championship was decided in the Hamptons back in July of 2016. Whoever it was that made the closing sale to Kevin Durant is basically the Finals MVP. So, if it ultimately was Jerry West then Jerry West should get the Finals MVP award.

I feel a sadness for Sam Presti, Billy Donovan, Russell Westbrook, and Nick Collison. This should have been their moment. Just pause and reflect where we as Thunder fans might be tonight if not for those horrific last six minutes of Game 6 in last year’s Western Conference Finals. Durant and Westbrook would be lauded for being one of the game’s greatest twosomes, but instead the historical references will now go to Curry and Durant.

It’s so ironic how those six minutes not only forever changed the Thunder, but more importantly changed the entire NBA and perhaps NBA history.

Durant will get his ring and probably the Finals MVP trophy while Westbrook will get his regular season MVP on June 26th. But for the time being, Westbrook is on a team with no competitive chance of winning a title while Durant could win multiple titles if he stays in Oakland with Curry if they make the dollars work.

I will say this for Durant though, he’s turned himself into a wonderful all around player. His defense is worlds apart from what we saw in those first Durant years in Oklahoma City. He’s a complete, well rounded player worthy of a ring.

Maybe it’s karma for the fans of Seattle. Maybe it was never meant to be for Oklahoma City to win a championship. But from someone who watched all of it from Day 1 it was a glorious ride just with an ending none of us in Oklahoma were hoping for in the end.

Will Westbrook stay? I have no idea. I hope he does, but again the NBA is an agent driven league for the superstar elites in the game. If Durant stays in Oakland you could literally pick the next best ten players from the other twenty-nine teams and they’d still be a solid Vegas underdog to lose to these Warriors.

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