Oh, Caligula…You Piece of Shit Worthless Douchebag

You reach a point in all of this when it would seem the sitting POTUS could act like an adult. One would think with pressing issues like North Korea, healthcare reform, Paul Manafort and Wilbur Ross laundering dirty Russian money in a Cypriot bank, etc. etc. that Caligula could pull it together.. but he can’t and never will because he’s just simply unfit for the office. I’m Vice-President of the HOA community I live in and I wouldn’t want the motherfucker serving on our board. I wouldn’t want the piece of shit living in the same zip code with me.

That said, if I’m a member of the Pittsburgh Steelers football there’s no way in hell I would ever allow this worthless motherfucker to inspire me to stay in the locker room during the playing of the national anthem. No way.

And here’s why…because countless brave men and women of every race and persuasion have sacrificed for me, for you, and for every football player and every basketball player in the NBA to have the liberty to pursue the American Dream.

Stand for the anthem is what I would do and then go to the White House and tell the motherfucker to his face what a complete piece of shit he is.

Freedom is a our most precious commodity. Don’t take it for granted. Be better than this flim flam con artist and the white trash who attend his rallies in Alabama and West Virginia.

This is about freedom. Stand for the anthem and know that the majority of Americans are with you… like Terry Bradshaw for instance. Or like me.

Rant over. Now I’m ready to focus on the Thunder beating the Golden State Warriors for the Western Conference Championship.

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