Georgia Voters Make Mitch McConnell Minority Leader Op-Ed

I’m trying to avoid writing too much about Donald Trump and his base these days. When you live in an abyss of political/cultural stupidity like Oklahoma it is best to try and ignore the fact you live in a state which might very well make Mike Gundy its next United States senator if James Lankford ascends to the presidency in 2024.

But at least there’s always Alabama with their own dumb as a sack of rocks issue with Tommy Tuberville to give the appearance Oklahoma is only the second most ignorant state in what as of this morning is still the Union.

We’ll have to see what happens later today on the floor of the United States Senate as the twelve GOP senators take to the floor to pledge their eternal fealty to Donald Trump in exchange for his more dubious racist voters in future GOP primaries as presidential hopefuls in 2024.

This used to be the void the Jerry Springer Live show played in America’s effort to keep lower class uneducated whites occupied, but now it’s just called Trump’s Republican Party.

It’s hard to feel sorry for these lowlife racist creeps the morning after they lost control of the United States Senate because the ever lasting damage they’ve done to our constitution and democracy to what was once known as the United States of America will go far beyond my lifetime. Far beyond theirs to be factual.

During these past four years the fifty-three Republican senators maybe minus Mitt Romney from Utah and Ben Sasse from Nebraska not only enabled Donald Trump, but in the process destroyed the quaint duel notions of American exceptionalism and aspirationalism.

Instead what the Senate became is a place where Mitch McConnell could redo the federal judiciary at both the Supreme Court level and throughout the federal court system as well to ensure twenty years down the road America is the template for economic apartheid.

That’s what all this has been about these past four years in preparation of twenty years down the road when whites become a minority race in America.

This is what the Koch Brothers hired Mitch McConnell to accomplish and to his credit he pulled it off even if in the process they destroyed all the elements which made America the greatest experiment in democracy to date.

Mitch McConnell kissed the Pussy Grabber’s ring for the tax cuts and federal judiciary appointments and in the end was slayed by the man who replaced Jerry Springer as the titular face of extreme white dysfunction in America.

You could even say Pussy Grabber and McConnell slayed each other simultaneously. Imagine Fredo slaying Michael as he slid into the cold water.

There is a Godfather-like fairness to the way this went down in Georgia after the shit show Donald Trump phone call which was shared to all by the state’s secretary of state this week-end.

House of Cards never went this far.

So here the racist Bithers sit the morning after with Joe Biden as president, Nancy Pelosi as the House majority leader, and Chuck Schumer as the Senate majority leader.

Moral of the story?

This is what happens when the viewers of reality television find a Birther candidate to replace their Jerry Springer daily fix and embrace him to the bitter end.

Karma can be a cold hearted bitch.

I’m guessing Kamala Harris has an enormous grin on her face this January morning.

I wonder if Mike Pence will still feel after today’s freak show if his boss was this generation’s Teddy Roosevelt?

In closing…if you voted for Donald Trump twice you should ban yourself for life from participating in national elections.


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