Where Were the Adults?

You know, even if the FBI had gone to visit the Snead home, nothing would have happened because of 4th Amendment considerations. These two adults were housing this young man and didn’t have a clue. So how could the FBI have done much in a perfunctory meeting when these two adults would have been telling them the automatic assault weapon was locked up and the young man was being taken to therapy. The FBI at that point would have had no legal grounds to do anything except leave their card.

But as adults how do you take a depressed minor to a therapist, consider using anti-depressants, and even have this weapon or any guns in your home? Are you kidding?

These two adults aren’t dummies. They should have known better. Here’s an analogy. You have a kid who’s had three DUI’s in a three month period and yet you still allow the kid to own a parked car in front of your home. Are you kidding? You sell the car.

I will write this though, I think the Sneads’ hearts were in the right place. They were doing something compassionate by allowing Nick Cruz to live with them. But common adult sense would hopefully tell you no guns in the house if for no other reason than you might fear Nicholas Cruz would kill himself.

What a perfect example of the dysfunctional gun culture in the United States. Ask yourself these questions, why is it the United States stands alone as the one nation in the world with all these mass shootings? It’s not just the physical presence of the guns, but the culture which has been fostered in this country in regards to the 2nd Amendment and the possession of guns. Why is it every other free democracy in the world isn’t going through this?

The kids in Florida know. They know. The adults have let them down and the culture in this country has to change. It doesn’t mean you can’t hunt. It doesn’t mean you can’t carry. It means you have to use pragmatic adult common sense and be the adult in the room. Good lord.

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