Historians Rate Trump on President’s Day

First off, I do consider myself a historian in that I have a history degree and could teach history in this godforsaken place called Oklahoma if I so chose to do so. The thing is though, in a place like Oklahoma…I’m not sure how long I could last given what some of the Deplorables teach their pinheaded offspring at home. I don’t want to be that adult caught on video throwing an eraser at the head of a Deplorable. Even Dave Chapelle wouldn’t do that.

You’d have to change your whole teaching outline to teach history in Oklahoma nowadays. The earth would be flat. Gravity is a fake news myth. Climate change is a hoax because Jim Inhofe said so. Obama was born in Iran. The holocaust never happened. Etc, etc, etc. See my point.

So I guess my blog is my classroom.

So…yesterday, there were three presidential polls conducted rating our presidents from top to bottom. I pretty much nailed it as I knew I would. Know your wheelhouse, baby. My cousin Jan, the Harvard grad, knew never to get near me when I was on the history, sports, or entertainment wedge space when a heated family game of Trivial Pursuit was taking place. Actually, I’ve done some more reading on Laura Graham and her twin Ann Coulter. You have no idea how much I’d like to play the drinking version of Trivial Pursuit with those two. It’s on my Bucket List.

Shit for Brains, aka Donald Trump, was last in the poll conducted by Democratic historians, next to last in the poll by Independent historians, and third from the bottom up in the poll conducted by Republican historians. I have to admit, I was surprised the Republican historians were as honest as they were with their poll. Maybe, as time passes, they’ll claim Caligula actually held Reince Priebus at gunpoint and really wasn’t the GOP candidate. I can assure you, that’s the only defense left for a good trial lawyer moving forward for a GOP history rewrite. The toady little bitch Sean Hannity should read my blog and learn something. He really should. He’s such a predictable fuckstick bore. He’s not worthy of Laura and Ann.

Anyway, I’m throwing out the gauntlet to Laura and Ann. Let’s get together with our vodka shot glasses and tee it up.

Why not?

I promise Durant and LeBron won’t be there.

Best wishes, Mikey

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